Instrument Step-Up Is Back! It’s Your Weekend Update.

In this Weekend Update:

The Boomer Step-Up Event is back! We are still being safe a limiting people on site, so instead of just one day we are spreading it out over several weeks. Details can be found here


Mrs. Lemons, the band director at High Plains School has scheduled weekly sessions for April to help her fifth graders get acquainted with their chosen instrument before school lets out for the year. Being a trumpet player, Drew volunteered to help on “Tootin’ Tuesday” to try to get the brass players started off right! Watch the video for a quick recap of what we covered in this first week.


The impromptu recap video Drew was inspired to record, needed some further context. He wrote a blog post explaining how making good the enemy of perfect is an all too common mistake holding all of us back. Read about it here


We are staring a new video series on the Boomer YouTube page! Seeing the need for some guides for absolute beginners, we will create them. Topics as basic as taking your instrument out of the case, assembling, lubricating, etc. will be covered in a way to reinforce classroom instruction so beginning progress will not stagnate. Watch this Weekend Update for a sneak peek!